My 2024 R-Rated Movies at Home Ranked: Repeat Watch Edition Part 1
I saw 32 R-rated movies again at home in 2024. Here's half...
2024 was the year I went back to the movies at home. I decided to watch as many movies as possible, and of those to have as many of them be first-time viewings as possible. I watched 167 movies total at home this year, and of those 88 were rated R (or unrated or TV-MA and essentially R-equivalent), and of those, 32 were repeat viewings. Glad to say, not a single one ranked under 3.5 out of 5, which means I spared myself giving bad movies a second chance!
What did you see last year? Here are the R-rated movies I saw at home again in 2024, ranked up to 4 out of 5, in the order I saw them. Let’s see what I saw…
R-Rated Movies at Home in 2024 (Repeat Viewings)
Tales from the Dark Side: The Movie (1991) 3.5 Out of 5 Kitchen Prisons
Anthology horror films have highlights and lowlights. The highlight here? The wraparound story with Deborah Harry promising to cook and eat Matthew Lawrence! Like the kids say: let her cook!
47 Meters Down: Uncaged (2019) 3.5 out of 5 John Corbett Dad Bods
The kids clamored for “a scary movie” and this did not disappoint. The first one is the best, but if they keep making these, I’ll keep watching them. At least once.
Creepshow 2 (1987) 3.5 out of 5 Venus Fly Traps
The highlight in this anthology horror film is of course, “The Raft.” I have vivid childhood memories of the VHS cover art for the Creepshow movies at the video rental stores.
Road Trip (2000) 3.5 out of 5 Returned Plates of French Toast
A little nostalgia went a long way for me on this one. The look on Amy Smart’s face when she accidentally gets an innocent guy beaten up is pretty funny. That 5 seconds is funnier than anything Tom Green adds to this one.
Carrie (1976) 3.5 out of 5 Cassies It’s CARRIE!!!
I know I’m supposed to rate this higher, but the 70s charm just couldn’t win me over as much this time around. Maybe it’s because it didn’t live up to the hype for my kids. They enjoyed it, but they were expecting a nonstop scary gorefest, I think.
Alien 3 (1992) 3.5 out of 5 Artificial Human Torsos
Come for the Sigourney Weaver, stay for the Charles S. Dutton. The claustrophobia works and I’m glad it did something so different with the story. Still works for me.
Chopping Mall (1986) 3.5 out of 5 Splitting Headaches
This is one of my top “so bad it’s good” movies. The 80s kitsch, the hair, the mall, the bros, the robots, the sassy pair, the head explosion. It. All. Works. And yes, the kids dug it. Thank you. Have a nice day. :)
The Stuff (1985) 3.5 out of 5 Shares of Stock in Chocolate Chip Charlie’s Candy Company
Another 80s bit of bad horror made in earnest that just works for me. There are actual scared in here, as well as great special effects. I stared at the VHS cover art so much in the video store as a kid before I finally saw it. Always dug this one.
Death Proof (2007) 4 out of 5 Reels Missing
I didn’t enjoy this in the theater as much as I wanted to, but it has grown on me over the years. I appreciate the stunt work much more and wow, what a coup de grâce!
From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) 4 out of 5
It’s always interesting watching a movie with a pastor lead character after becoming a pastor. I don’t believe in vampires, but I do believe Jacob would be well-equipped by God to defeat them. Also, George Clooney is in this.
Alien: Resurrection (1997) 4 out of 5 Impossible Basketball Shots
This one always worked for me. I remember people complaining about it when it came out, but not me. I like the direction of the lore and story, and the ragtag crew is a lot of fun, with great direction from Jean-Pierre Jeunet.
Gladiator (2000) 4 out of 5 Surprise Tigers
I admit, I never did get around to the sequel because the end of 2024 just plain got busy. But we watched this as a family in anticipation of going. The kids really liked it. One said it could be in their top 25 movies.
The Blair Witch Project (1999) 4 out of 5 Extreme Close-Ups
The kids wanted another scary movie and they liked it, and the ending clicked, but it wasn’t “scary.” Months later, I just asked, “Was it weird watching these real people go through all of that?” The response, “Well, we don’t know if it’s real. It’s probably fake.” 25+ years later, The Blair Witch Project is a lesson in keeping people guessing.
Blade Runner: The Final Cut (1982/2007) 4 out of 5 Turtles Tortoises
I’ve met several people who say this is too slow but they appreciate that it is a milestone in the science fiction genre. I admit it’s still slow, but I like how much it lingers. Some storylines are better than others, but the big picture is stellar.
BASEketball (1998) 4 out of 5 Soft Pretzels with Mustard
This was one of the three movies my friends and I watched weekly in college: The Big Lebowski, Rushmore, and BASEketball. The kids laughed all the way through, just like they did The Naked Gun and Airplane!. R.I.P. Jim Abrahams. And I will never forget the delayed reaction the entire theater had in the locker room scene. If you know, you know!
Tombstone (1993) 4 out of 5 Hells Comin’ with Me
This time around, Tombstone came off a lot slower and disjointed than usual. Still, all of the pieces are there and it’s always worth revisiting. And yeah, Val Kilmer kills it.
World War Z (2013) 4 out of 5 Fetch Quests
This one popped up on the “Movies you might like” list on the streamers for a long time and our oldest finally won out and we watched it together. She liked it, and I still enjoy it, though 1. I enjoy the book more, and 2. it’s a fetch quest video game, albeit a well-made fetch quest video game.
Part Two features R-rated movies I saw at home ranked 4.5 or 5 out of 5, including some of my favorite movies.
Your turn!
What about you?
Thanks for reading, sharing, and subscribing. God’s peace and good movies to you!